Work Is More Faithful Than Love

Work is more faithful than love,

Work is more faithful than love. . .

In daily life if all else fails,

The dirt beneath my fingernails

Is somethin’ that I know that I can trust,

I put my faith in every day

And not just where my heart can play

At night when I have showered off the dust,

Work is more faithful than love,

Work is more faithful than love. . .

You can mend a broken cart,

But maybe not a broken heart

That leaves your peace of mind needing repair,

It’s work that will leave you equipped

To face the weight of being whipped

When life and love go tumbling down the stair,

Work is more faithful than love,

Work is more faithful than love. . .

It’s work, yes, but in the end

Work is always a friend, 

All of your work will never daunt you,

All of your work will never taunt you,

All of your work will never haunt you

Like love. . .

Love, you are a pretty sight,

But tell me: Where were you last night

When you left our loving bed so cold?

And left me with this sad lament

‘Bout the hours and days misspent

Believing that you were as good as gold,

Work is more faithful than love,

Work is more faithful than love. . .

© Duncan Christy

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